Ding New Jersey springs to life
Ding New Jersey is officially open for business! And there’s no better home to bring the joy of connection to our users than in the place which completed the first transatlantic telephone cable, connecting the US to Europe back in 1956.
Bell Labs researchers also developed the technology to make optical fibre practical, which in 1988 led to the laying of fibre optic cable across the Atlantic – making global connectivity a reality. More than sixty years later James Hall, head of Americas B2B, and his team are going to continue the legacy of global connectivity – as they set about connecting more and more users in the US to family and friends abroad via the Ding platform.
Ding’s new home – Bell Works, as it is known today – is the reimagining of the historic former Bell Labs building in Holmdel, N.J. Today, the building is one-of-a-kind destination for business. Check out the link below to see the legacy of innovation.