Ding partners with Bangladeshi operators to empower diaspora abroad to support loved ones at home
Dublin, Ireland, 25 May 2016 – The world’s largest mobile top-up network is proud to announce the addition of 5 new operators, empowering diaspora living abroad to send top-up to Bangladeshi phones for the first time.
The partnership with Airtel, Baglalink, Grameenphone, Robi and Teletalk Bangladesh will enable the estimated 9.5 million Bangladeshi people currently living abroad a safe and secure way to transfer value to the phones of loved ones in seconds.
Mark Roden, CEO of Ding commented: ‘We are delighted to have partnered with the Bangladeshi operators. A mobile phone powered by Ding top-up provides immediate communication and also provides the recipient in Bangladesh with access to data and internet, which are now vital resources for connecting with loved ones abroad.’
With over 350 mobile operators in 130 countries with a global reach of 4 billion phones, Ding is helping thousands of people globally to communicate with friends and family abroad every day.